Much to my surprise, I am already posting an entry. Looks like I'm starting off on the right foot. As some of you may know, I travel to Kentucky about twice a year to visit family. While I was there this summer, I used some of my laid back days to start creating feather earrings. Here are my first pair!

On another note, I have been entirely obsessed with music lately. But then again, when am I not? The other day I was browsing cds and found Death Cab's first album. I was skeptical at first, but I have found that they have had their stuff together from the very beginning! My first Death Cab album was Transatlanticism, which I got about 5 years ago, and it holds a very dear spot in my heart. It was one of the first "real cds" I purchased. Meaning it wasn't anything related to Disney. I'm eternally grateful that my eyes were opened to such fantastic music in jr. high. Who knows what I'd be listening to otherwise. I have been playing "something about airplanes" almost nonstop in my car.

Easily enough, music leads into the topic of dancing. And along with my friends Lizz and Ryan, I had a dance party on Saturday night after going to the
Eagle Rock Music Festival with a group of people. We danced on the counter and I must say that it was quite liberating. Although we aren't actually dancing in this picture (thankfully!), here is a little sample for you:

That's all I've got for you for now, dearies. Also, if you have a blog of your own, post a comment to let me know about it!